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November 5, 2019
how to fix restaurant facebook ads

3 Reasons Restaurant’s Facebook Ads Will Fail (and how to fix them)

If you own a restaurant in 2019, it’s incredibly likely that you are aware you can run ads to promote your restaurant on Facebook. In fact, it’s very likely you have already tried your hand at using Facebook ads to promote your restaurant. The process of setting up a Facebook ad for a restaurant commonly looks like this: Step 1: Design the post/ad; this usually consists of having an image and some supporting text that will be served to your target audience. Step 2: Upload […]
May 24, 2019

3 Reasons Messenger is the Best Marketing Solution for Restaurants

Are you fed up with managing enquiries and answering the same questions over and over again? Are you fed up with wondering how to fill your restaurant on quiet days? Are you unsure how to attract visitors back again and again? If these things are keeping you up at night then you need a Facebook Messenger channel! Imagine if you could connect with thousands of local fans of your food Imagine if you could message those people whenever you liked to promote offers Imagine if […]
February 25, 2019

How Tradespeople Can Get More Clients With Social Media

If you are a tradesperson, contractor or construction company you have no doubt at some point considered, or even tried to use Facebook to market your brand and find new clients. If you have tried using social media, I would estimate that your results were probably limited If you haven’t tried using social media, I’m going to guess you are nervous to spend time and money on something you are unsure of. Well, don’t worry. If I tried to build a house or building, it […]
January 21, 2019

Social Media Marketing for Coaches

If you are a coach, there is no doubt you fully understand that your brand and reputation is everything when it comes to growing your business. With that in mind, I find it amazing how many coaches are either not demonstrating their abilities, or even worse destroying their brand on social media with low grade or un-engaging content.
November 29, 2018

5 tips to Grow Your LinkedIn Network and Make More Sales

Data proves that 80% of businesses social media leads come through LinkedIn. With that in mind it goes without saying you NEED to pay attention to growing your LinkedIn profile if you want to make more sales online. Here are 5 absolute must-do tips for you to get ahead on LinkedIn without wasting time.
October 25, 2017

5 Quick Ways To Improve Social Media Page Engagement

Social media engagement is probably the most difficult part of social media marketing.  No matter how visually appealing and optimised your post is, you may find yourself still getting just a handful of likes or shares.  This is not because social media is useless, it’s most likely because you are doing it wrong. Social media engagement is all about getting your target audience to respond to your posts. The response may come in the form of likes, comments, tags, shares, retweets, follows, replies, mentions, favorites, […]
October 8, 2017
Tools for small business 2018

The Top 5 Online Marketing Tools for Small Business Owners in 2018

The internet is a minefield of tools and apps. For the small business owners it’s easy to ignore a lot of these tools in the interest of time. Who has time to set up an account for yet another website, try it out, learn about it, only to find out its not as good as you hoped. To help save you some time, we’ve pulled together a list of our top 5 tools for marketing your small business. These are all tools that we have […]
September 26, 2017

Why Your Facebook Ads Suck (and how to fix)

Most businesses looking to market their product or service today will have at least considered Facebook ads.  Many will have tried to use them (post boost to reach local people, anyone?) and most of those people will have failed, miserably. But don’t throw your Facebook page out just yet.  This advice will both save, and hopefully make you, a lot of money.   What is the goal of any marketing campaign? To make SALES. So what do we want to do when marketing on social […]
August 22, 2017

5 Ways Social Media Can Help Your Small Business

Are you a new startup seeking potential customers on the web? Do you have a limited marketing budget and not to sure how to gain more customers? Social media is the answer to those burning questions. In this fast-paced digital world, social media presence is no longer considered a luxury from brands and business, but rather a necessity. Social media has become the new and effective marketing platform for business of all sizes. In the last 10 years, social media has quickly grown from being […]